Share U13 AA Players Moving Forward2023-10-09
U13 AA Players Moving Forward
On behalf of our U13AA coaches and evaluators, we'd like to thank everyone for their impressive efforts throughout the first phase of the tryout process. As we discussed with the players on the ice, this group is very talented and deep. Regardless of where you end up playing this season, you will have an amazing hockey season.
We would like to invite the following players back for intersquad games October 9th at 6:40 until 8:50 in the arena.
Red # 1 |
White # 1 |
Red # 2 |
White # 2 |
Goalies |
Archer Callaghan |
Camden Boudreault |
Quinn Davidson |
Wyatt Arsenault |
Caden Diamond |
Shane Chen |
Dunstan Bradley |
Nolan Ford |
Wyatt Clark |
Yumin Induruwa |
Liam Cotton |
Emmett Docherty |
Gavyn MacKay |
Ciaran Connaughton |
Ronan Lee |
Layton Douglas |
AJ Giggey |
Zac McIntosh |
Kohen Holmes |
Finn MacGuigan |
Lukah Hood |
Gavin Haggis |
Nash McQuillan |
Shay Josey |
Drew MacDonald |
Nathan Joyce |
Oliver Murnaghan |
Caleb Mackenzie |
Miles MacDonald |
Seth MacDonald |
Declan O'Shea |
Liam McGuire |
Sully MacNeill |
Jaxson MacMillan |
Marcus Rodgerson |
Liam Miller |
Quintin Moir |
Foster Montigny |
Noah Toombs |
Emerson O'Keefe |
Tanner Murphy |
Brennan Visser |
Jay Jay Wanjiru |
Thank you,
Jeff Ford and Chris Callaghan